Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Even a meeting with Mr. Burns fails to destroy my mood today! Amazing! Obviously I spent the morning wondering what on earth to present, as clearly the chemistry gods have not smiled on me in the last fortnight, but I think I got away with it by presenting a fascinating paper...and sounding knowledgeable about the background area. I am never quite sure if I get away with this sort of blag as Burns could clearly know that I am bluffing and not let on himself.

Anyway tonight it is the great EU-funded biere night, and dispite the fact that many of my actual friends from the group will not be there I am well in the mood for it. Tried to convince everyone that we should make it fancy dress with people only allowed in if they are dressed as a European country, but no-one seems up for it. Met up with Dad for lunch as he was down in the big smoke for a meeting which was really nice actually, I haven't seen the folks for ages.

It is 28 degrees in the lab today, getting a bit over the top now considering that when it was cold outside it was freezing in here. We have turned off the heater, but there seems to be hot air coming out random places in the ceiling. Another foible of The Empire's strange grasp of technology??

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